Hello there fellow bloggers. How is everyone doing? It has been a little more over a year since my last post. Whew, that's a mighty long time. But I am back now and with awesome news for everyone. Tell me, how do you like my new blog design? I was looking for my own saying and I came up with "Oblivion is just the beginning". Pretty cool right. Anyway moving on. First things first, as you all know I have been constantly telling you guys about Eternal Light (for years now) and DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines for a while now. And I have been promising you the photos of their books marks and their covers. Well good news is not only am I ready to show you guys the covers and bookmarks, I also have a picture of Radien's and Melody's markings to show you, as well as brief character profiles and blurbs. At the moment Eternal Light is back up on Smashwords:
(Here's the link...go to it)
Awesome thing is I found this grammar and spell checker program called Ginger and I believe it helped me catch whatever little snags I missed the first couple of times around. So, yeah, go and check it out. A little warning though, there have been minor changes to certain scenes and events in the book. However, the main story stays the same. So no worries. As far as DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines, I am currently going through the last edit with the program I brought and I hope to have it up and in your hands before I leave for the RT Convention in New Orleans this upcoming week. See, didn't I tell you I was making moves. And I must say I am nervous because I will be going alone to a city I have never been before, but I am also excited because not only to I get the chance to be around people who love books like I do and know the authors I am talking about, and also, getting to meet some of my favorite authors. I am also excited because this is a huge step for me and my chance to network and make new connections that could help me in the future. I just hope I have the courage to not hide from the challenge. I get to explore New Orleans and I have no idea where to go to eat or sight see. But I will figure that out later, lets stay on track. So here we go, these first pics are the book covers (I think they are pretty cool...)
Eternal Light Cover |
Eternal Light Back Blurb |
DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines Back Blurb |
DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines Cover |
So these are the covers I worked so hard on for the last year or so. I really like them. Its all kind of exciting.
Next are the bookmarks:
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Eternal Light Bookmark Back (Radien) |
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Eternal Light Bookmark (Radien) |
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DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines Bookmark Back (Alexios) |
DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines Bookmark (Alexios) |
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DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines Bookmark (Tara) |
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DarKnight: Ancient Bloodlines Bookmark Back (Tara) |
So here go the bookmarks. You can't really see what's written on them, but I wanted to show everyone the pictures. The back of the bookmarks say the same thing as the back blurb of the book for the most part.
And lastly, before I get into my reviews, I can finally show you Radien and Melody's markings. Are you ready? The moment has finally come....
Radien's mark that takes up his back. I know it's probably not what everyone was expecting. However, i think it represents his powers well. Since he can control lightening and energy. Sharp points and what not. I know it looks rather demonic doesn't it. Lol. I love it though. |
And this is Melody's marking that is on her shoulder. As you can see it is the middle/core section of Radien's marking. I think her's look more demonic then Radien's but somehow it suites them. As you can guess the descriptions of their markings have changed to match with these images.
So there you go. This is what I have been working on for the last year or so, along with other projects as well. I hope you guys like them. You have no idea how long I hunted on Google then toyed with Photoshop to get things just the way I wanted, along with the help of my graphic designer and my editors (who are my close friends) I think we did very well.
Anyway, now that I am no longer distracted, I was going to do a book review but I am tired now so I will save it for later. Promise it wont be for a year just a few days. With that being said. Enjoy your night, Sweet dreams.
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