Update and Review of: The Tory by T.J. London

Good afternoon everyone,

How have you all been. Like always it has been a long time since my last blog post but here I am and I have exciting updates for everyone. First off I want to say that I have begun working on Eternal Fire and DarKnight: Dawn of the Red Sun. I am hoping those titles and two more will be ready by the end of the year.

2018 is shaping up to be a busy year for me. I am signing at two conventions this year which are: Once Upon a Book in August and Penned Con in September. Along with that I am also participating in an RT even called Cover Model Karaoke. I am super excited about that since it will be my first time participating in a party/event at RT.

2019 is also looking good as well. I already have two signings that year. One if for Wild Wicked Weekend in February and the other is in Dublin in October. Also something I am super excited about. I never thought that I would be doing a singing outside the U.S or signings in general but here I am doing them. I also plan on doing RT as well next year and Penned Con but I am not sure about how those will work out as I still have a day job I have to be at.

Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best shall we. :)

With that being said let's get into this review.

The Tory by T.J London

First off let me start by saying that this is not a typical Historical Fiction Romance. Its not full of dull roses and censorship. This book is like an exotic work of art that delivers in detail and storytelling. With that being said let's move on. 

The Tory by TJ London is an exceptional read. Not only is it well written but it is also full of diverse and well rounded characters that pull you in as you read. Ms. London does a excellent job of giving just enough of history and story to keep you interested in the book. Her descriptions as well done and gives you enough to see picture what is happening but not too much as to bore you with over details. Like I said before this book is not your "typical" historical romance, in fact while it has romance in it and it develops along the story.

This book is similar to the start of a redemption story. You are there with the main character John as he struggles to find himself while dealing with the dark shadows of his past. Ms. London does an excellent job of placing you in her characters shoes so that you feel and can sympathize with them (most of them). Her characters are perfectly flawed characters that you can relate to despite the time and place of the story. You watch John go from spiraling out of control, loosing himself in the slums of the world around him to trying to be something better than the man he was when he was at his best. He is a torment character and throughout the book I found myself saying "aww poor John," although there were some scenarios where he brought it on himself. But you watch him as he begins to grow while dealing with the ghosts of his past. 

Then there is the heroine, Dellis (think I might have spelled her name wrong) who was a bit annoying to me at first yet I understood why it was so important to her to save her people and to be part of what was going on. Just like John you watch her struggle with her position not only as an outside and so called enemy of the towns people and some of her own but also as a woman in general. Although I will say John has a thousand more problems than Dellis does, she is still a interesting character that grew on me the more I read. The chemistry between her and John was like a breath of fresh air in a world of darkness.

Another character that I liked was Alexie (probably spelled his name wrong too) and I am interested in seeing how Ms. London develops him and weaves him farther into the story.

With the way the book ended it is clear that it is only the beginning of this series and I look forward to seeing what happens with this characters, how they develop and how the drama unfolds.

Would I recommend this to a friend? Yes

Rating: 4/5


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