Update!!!! and New Release; Eternal Fire

Good evening everyone,

Once again, I must say it has been a long time since I last posted. However, in my defense, I was pretty busy with preparing for signings and finishing Eternal Fire.

Yup, you heard that right. Aaron and Jaden's book is done and available for purchase on Amazon, Barns and Noble, Smashwords, etc.  So make sure you grab your copy and stay tuned for Eternal Dreams, which is Rasi's story.

To tell the truth Eternal Fire was the most difficult book to write. The dynamics of Aaron and Jaden's relationship were different from Raiden and Melody's as well as Adien and Harmony's. Because of that, it took me longer to resolve the core issue in their relationship and give them the ending they deserved. Not only that, but the Hound world itself changed and went in a direction I didn't expect. I was happy and excited about the new developments which actually lead into several novella's and a new Hound book later on down the line. As the story continues I have big plans and twists ahead, some of which I am sure will take me by surprise as well.

On another note, I plan on taking 2020 off from signings to focus on my writing, crafting, and to give my wallet a chance to recover from all the signings and events I am doing this year. So far I've signed at Wild Wicked Weekend, went to NOLA to see my friends at Book Lovers Con. Coming up in two weeks is Once Upon a Book in Michigan. After that, in September is Penned Con. Then to wrap the year up, for my birthday, I am heading to Egypt for about 12 days. Something I am both excited and nervous about as it will be my first time traveling out of the country and I'm going solo. I plan to have an amazing and unforgettable time.

Although I plan on taking a break from singing, that doesn't mean I'm not planning on new releases. If everything goes the way I want, the following will be released in 2020: DarKnight: Dawn of the Red Sun, Awakening the Dragon King, and possibly another unnamed title. (wish me luck). Also, I am going to try and write short stories, like holiday stories for my characters, just for fun in between books. I'll post them here and maybe on FB, so be on the lookout for those...

That's pretty much it for my updates and future plans. I just want to thank everyone for sticking with me and having the patience of a saint when it comes to my updates. and you probably noticed I don't have any reviews for you. Welp, like I said Eternal Fire kept me busy so I wasn't able to read much. However, I am almost done with Art of Death by Becca Vincenza, so also keep watch for that review. After that, I plan to tackle the Turncoat by TJ London...

Until Next Time xoxoxo

PS: Below is the cover and blurb for Eternal Fire, enjoy 😊)


Living a life surrounded by danger, Jaden- Trinity Hound of Fire- has been burned more times than he can count. A man of smoldering intensity, he craves vengeance against those that dared to cross him. The selfish decisions he's made have cost him everything, including his fated mate- a fiery beauty that ignites his soul with passion. Jaden will stop at nothing to keep her safe. Even if the means stealing her freedom.


Courtesy of one steamy night with a man she thought she knew, Aaron Sonders landed herself in a glamorous prison. Thrust into a world of monsters and petty gods, she's slowly losing control of her powers as her world crumbles around her. At the center of her turmoil- Jaden. Her body yearns for his touch, yet the flames of her rage demand retribution.


Fate has tipped the scales of balance and the resurrection of a primal evil is at hand. Secrets Jaden had kept long buried are rising from the ashes. To keep his mate by his side, he will have to find a way to unite the fire in their blood or watch as the world burns in the flames of his deception.


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