Evening everyone,

Happy Hump Day!!

As always I hope everyone has had a great week so far.

It's Wednesday so you know what that means... that's right we continue with Roxxy and her ghoulish date.

Without further ado, I give you Roxxy and the Ghoul part 3.

Enjoy 😊

The Ghoul Part 3

There are many things I enjoy in this world like sunny days, puppies, kittens, the sound of ocean waves. But there truly was nothing better than the heat of the supernatural. There was something primal about them that called to me in a forbidden way that I've never been able to escape.

And it was clear that tonight would be no different.

"See," Manny said with a cocky grin, "isn't this much better than sitting alone in that chair?"

Straddling his lap, an impressive erection pressed against the juncture between my thighs, I answered, "a little."  and gave a nonchalant shrug of one my shoulders.

"A little?" He cocked a brow and I noticed those dark eyes of his were slowly changing colors. Red was leaking into his irises the more turned on he was. "I'll have to fix that."

Before I could respond his hands had found their way under my shirt. They glided around my sides and up until he cupped my breasts. Nice and hefty they barely fit in his large hands.

 A moan escaped me and fire shot to my core, poking at a piece of me that hadn't been awakened in quiet sometime.

Biting my lip, I was thankful he'd picked a dark corner of the lounge. The darkness kept our inappropriate activities hidden from others. The loud music would drown out the embarrassing sounds that would escape me. Those two things and the fact that Manny smelled deliciously of my favorite Armani cologne encouraged me on despite the fact that a tiny, and annoying, voice in the back of my mind was telling me to stop.

I'm not stopping. I'd listened to the voice in my head one too many times and look where it had gotten me...a shattered heart and more scares than I cared to count.


He palmed my breast and another moan escaped me.

...I enjoy myself.

I'll worry about tomorrow when it comes.

"Roxanne," He called me.

I'd thought his voice was sinful before, but now, laced with desire, was something wickedly decadent and I wanted to hear more of it.

"Focus on me." He told me and his gaze narrowed, "I'll make you focus on me."

With quick movements my shirt and bra were pushed up. My breast spilled out of their confines in short lived freedom.

Another one of those panty wetting growls echoed and I watched with half hooded eyes as Manny suckled on my left breast while toying with my right. Every flick of his tongue I felt across my entire body. Desire overwhelmed me and the full effect of my withdrawal hit me in its entirety.


I wanted more, I need more of his heat.

Letting out moans and groans of my own, my hands gripped his head, holding him in place as my hips rotated against him.

I've never been a fan of dry humping and I never would be, however, at the moment, with Manny's hands and mouth toying with me I indulged myself. My world was covered in a dense haze of lust filled desire. My pulse raced with each flick of his tongue. My hips worked faster against him.

I felt it, my orgasm building inside of me as I gave myself over to my needs.

Then his hands were moving, traveling down my stomach to the waist of my pants. With a single motion he unbuttoned my pants and maneuvered his fingers right where I needed them to be.

The first caress caused my body to jerk, the next pulled a low groan from me, and when he slid one finger inside of me and then another I fell over the cliff and dived face first into a lake of pleasure. A cry of ecstasy escaped me just before my lips were captured by a kiss that had my toes curling.

Just as our fevered necking was getting good and my engines were reeving up again, he broke the kiss.

II almost socked him in the face for that.

"How about we get out of here and-" Manny's words trailed off the same time I looked up and saw the same drunk who'd pushed me earlier.

My gaze locked with the man's and I'm sure my irritation at his unwanted presence showed on my face given the way he sneered at me.

"What the fuck do you want?" The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, although I never intended to in the first place.

I felt when Manny pulled my shirt down.

Such a sweet guy. More concerned about my modesty than I was.

"Nasty bitch," the drunk half slurred half snarled.

Bitch... I hated that word. Especially when it came from some overweight pig wearing a shirt two sizes too small. But it was the cheering I heard behind him that really pissed me off. Fucking asshole, he'd brought his little boys club with him and it was clear what their intentions were.

"Sweetheart," Manny called from beneath me.

Without taking my eyes off the drunkard and his merry band of idiots, I replied, "yeah,"

"You don't mind if I have a little fun before we leave do you?" he asked,

"No," I said finally taking my attention away from the drunk to look at Manny. Staring into his glowing red eyes, I smiled and said, "not at all."


And that concludes part 3. Make sure to tune in next week for the next episode.

Me (looks over to Roxxy): Trouble seems to always follow you.

Roxxy (looking at me with a raised brow): But you wrote it that way.

Yes, yes I did Roxxy. 


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