Flash Fiction Wednesday!!! The Goblin Episode 1

Hey hey hey everyone! It's that time of the week again! That's right flash fiction Wednesday!

I was at Penned Con last week so I took a break from posting, but I'm back and so is Roxxy with her shenanigans.

So let's get into it and see if she had any better luck with her Goblin... (passes keys to Roxxy)

The Goblin Part 1

It's been about three weeks since my run in with Midus and his horde. My body's still sore and I could still taste the flesh of the ghouls I'd eaten. It made me want to vomit. The only reason I didn't hurl the large breakfast I'd just eaten all over the place was because we were in a public place.

I had no intention of embarrassing myself, my little goblin companion, or Francis, the only person I'd call my friend and who was currently eyeing me with a look of dissatisfaction on her face. After spending the last half hour telling her about what happened that night with Manny, I expected more of a reaction other than her silent staring.

Shit, at least one question about why a goblin child was tagging along with me would have sufficed.

"Roxxy," there was a gentle tug on the sleeve of my shirt.

I turned my attention to Emma and asked, "what is it?" as a gaze that had once been half dead stared at me with youthful vitality.

"Can I have more pancakes?" She asked.

I looked at her empty plate then to the stack of plates at the edge of the table and then back to Emma. "You're not full yet? You've eaten at least half your weight in pancakes."

Her cheeks flushed a deep scarlet and she dropped her gaze. With slumped shoulders, she whispered a dejected, "sorry."

She was locked in that nasty cell for god knows how long. I can indulge her a little more. I thought.

Not to mention she wore the cutest expression when she stuffed her face full of her favorite foods.

Smiling as I patted the top of her head I said in a soft tone, "one more order and that's it, okay?"

Her excitement seemed to overflow from inside of her as she looked back at me with a wide smile, that caused my smile to widen.

As Emma readily agreed this would be her last order of blueberry pancakes, I was fully aware of Francis's gaze on us. No doubt in my mind that she was sizing up the situation and wondering what the deal was with Emma.

With no care to us, Emma went about flagging down our waitress and ordering her food.

"So," Francis said, her gaze drifting back and forth between me and Emma. "I'd never thought I'd see the day when you," Francis paused, an amused gleam coming to her eyes, "play mommy." She chuckled.

With a sigh, I responded, "who are you telling," and took the final bite of the caramel crape I'd ordered. Swallowing the sugary pastry, I decided to get down to the matter at hand.

"Did you get a chance to look into Midus and his crew?" I asked just as the waitress placed Emma's pancakes in front of her.

"Should we talk about this now?" Francis responded and then motioned her head towards Emma, who happily shoved a fork loaded with food into her mouth.

"It's fine. She's in blueberry heaven. She isn't paying us any attention." I said while at the same time patting Emma on the head.

Francis eyed me. Obviously skeptical about my statement.

"Anyway, I don't feel comfortable leaving her by herself or sending her off." I paused. Then in a low voice I added, "something doesn't feel right. I can't leave her and I have no idea how to find her parents. I've tried everything, every search but nothing comes up and," I cast a quick glance to Emma, "she doesn't seem to remember much before she was imprisoned."

Francis only nodded, seemingly pleased with my explanation.

"You're acting funny." I told Francis and noted how she slightly shifted in her seat. My curiosity piqued even more, I continued, "what are you not telling me? What happened?"

"I really don't think she should be here for this conversation." Francis responded in a dark tone that unnerved me.

While Francis was probably right that Emma shouldn't hear what we were about to talk about, i couldn't shake the feeling that this involved her more than me. "She stays."

"Very well," Francis said in defeat. "Some goblin children have gone missing from the traveling town of Carnival."

Missing goblin children. 

I took another quick look at Emma, who other than a brief pause in putting another pile of pancakes into her mouth, appeared disinterested in their conversation.

What was that about? Maybe Fran was right and she shouldn't hear this. 

Turning my attention back to Francis. She watched me with a knowing look that told me she also noticed Emma's subtle reaction.

Her attention focused more on Emma than me, Francis continued, "the remains of infant goblin children have been found on the outskirts of the town."

"Do you think..." my words trailed off. Uncomfortable with bringing up ghouls in front of Emma.

Francis nodded. "that's what we suspect, but there is no definitive proof."

Leaning back against the cushioned bench, I drummed my fingers on the table, "and I take it that's where I come in."

Francis nodded.

"I'm retired." I reminded her, but I knew that was pointless. After running into Midus, I knew my retirement was short lived.

And sure enough, Francis's hard, "not anymore," put the nail in my coffin.


Make sure to tune in Friday for the next episode in the Ghoul.

(Side note: I will be posting episodes of the Ghoul at least 2 to 3 times a week to keep on schedule.)


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