Flash Fiction Wednesday, The Goblin Episode 2

I should have known the moment I said I was "retiring" there would be no retirement in the near future for me. As I mulled about my room, gathering items to pack into my small duffel bag, I couldn't help but wonder just what Felicia had under her sleeve. First, my so called blind date with Manny, who just happened to belong in one of Midus's hordes, and now this situation with the Goblins.
Something is happening in the Supernatural world. I thought as I stuffed my last T-shirt into my bag and zipped it. Unease traveled down my spine as I shouldered my bag and made my way out of my bedroom. My mind focused on piecing together unseen pieces of a growing puzzle, I headed towards Emma's room.
Pausing in front of her door, I was greeted by a large pink and purple butterfly painted on the outside of the door,
I smiled.
Emma and I had painted this her first night here. It was a way not only for us to bond but also to symbolize her freedom and the start of her new life. Rapping my knuckles on the door, I waited for her to respond. After several moments of silence, my smile turned into a scowl as I knocked on the door again.
Still no answer.
"Emma," I called out as I tried the door handle. Surprised to find that she'd locked the door, I knocked once again.
This time I heard soft rustling sound, still the door wouldn't open.
What was she doing in there?
Now that I thought about it, she'd been acting weird ever since we left Felicia. She'd grown uncomfortably quiet on the way home. No matter how many times I asked her what was wrong, she'd reply with a distant, "nothing," before once again falling silent. I thought once we were back at my apartment, and she had the chance to settle down, she'd open but to me. However, that didn't happen. Instead she hurried to her room, shut the door and hasn't come out since.
I had no idea what to do to get her to come out of hiding. My first thought was to take the small key in my back pocket and unlock her door. But I doubt that would improve things. I remember all too well how pissed off I got when one of my parents barged into my room unannounced, when all I wanted was a break from our weird family.
Taking a deep breath, I prayed for patience as I knocked once more on the door. If she didn't open this time, then I would open it myself. While I respected her privacy, we had to start making our way to the Goblin town of Carnival. It was located on the outskirts of the neighboring town and would take us some time to get to as the two was inaccessible by car. I wanted to make good time and to do so we would have to leave now.
"Emma, sweetheart, open the door." said as I pressed my ear against the door, listening for any sign of movement. "We have to leave soon, and I need to make sure you-"
The lock on the door clicked, cutting off my sentence as the door was slowly opened.
"Emma," I said as I looked down at her. Dark eyes stared up at me, her face wearing an expression I couldn't figure out.
"What's wrong?" I quickly asked, kneeling down so that we were face to face. She'd gained weight since she started living with me. Once hallow cheeks were full, her body, which once looked like it would be blown away with the slightest gust of wind, was health and possessed no trace of its former undernourishment. Dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans and a black T-shirt with a sparkling unicorn on the front, her hair in two braids, she looked nothing like the child I'd saved from Midus's horde.
While her body had begun its healing process, I was concerned that her mind hadn't. Placing a gentle palm against her cheek, I offered her the comfort she seemed to need.
"Are you done packing?" I asked.
She nodded and then her gaze went off to the side to the floor. My gaze followed and focused on the small bag beside her foot.
"Good girl," i said as I rubbed my thumb across her cheek. Still she wore that unreadable expression on her face.
Maybe she doesn't want to go?
More than once that thought crossed my mind "Emma, if you want to stay here I can ask Felicia if you can stay-"
Her sudden cry of "no!" startled me.
Frowning I dropped my hand and rose to my feet. I continued to study her, noting how nervous energy caused her hands to tremble, while panic shinned in her dark gaze.
"No," she said, "I want to go with you." There was a slight paused and then she said under her breath while lowering her gaze, "I need to go with you."
She needed to go with me?
Raising a questioning brow, I folded my arms and asked, "why?" eager to hear her answer.
Her answer wasn't immediate. She seemed to squirm under the weight of my gaze. Her gaze darting around as if she was searching for something that could help her. Just when it looked like she wouldn't answer me, Emma leveled a intense stare on me and said, "I... I want to see my father."
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