Risky Roxxy News and Flash Fiction Episode, the Ghoul part 8
Good evening everyone,
I hope you all had an amazing Labor Day and enjoyed your weekend.
As you can see from the title of the post, I have some new regarding Risky Roxxy.
Are you ready to hear it?
Well, here it goes...
This week will make the final week of the Roxxy's adventures with her Ghoul 😮 But not to worry, this week's Risky Roxxy is not the final episode for the Ghoul. The season finale of the Ghoul will be Saturday. So make sure to tune in every day up until Saturday. Yup, you read that right, back to back episodes of Risky Roxxy for everyone.
My plans for Risky Roxxy is pretty much to have each season to last for one month and therefore wrapping up Risky Roxxy as a whole in December and then I hope to have something special coming after that, but I won't spill the beans on that just yet. So that means I will be starting next week with the Goblin.
Exciting stuff, right? LOL.
So, please enjoy Part 8 of the Ghoul...
The Ghoul Part 8
I was drowning.
No, I take that back. As I stood over Manny's prone body, blood seeping from his open wounds, I wasn't drowning. I was being devoured. Blissfully consumed by the insatiable bloodlust that I tried so hard to control.
And, I'd almost done it. I'd come so close to pushing the hunger back down into the pit of my soul... but then, Manny, in true ghoul fashion had pushed me over that thin line in his efforts to outwit me.
Stupid Creature.
For thinking, he could outmaneuver me. He wasn't faster than me, and he damn sure wasn't smarter... well, not now anyway. My lusty ambitions and my stupidity as I chased them were the reason I ended up in this situation to begin with.
Looking down at the pathetic creature at my feet I should have felt a sliver of remorse, or maybe a twinge of mortification at the way I had viciously and gleefully ripped into his flesh...
I didn't.
And why should I?
Had he simply kept the thing between us as an enjoyable one night stand then we wouldn't have ended up in this mess.
Dropping the bloodied piece of bone that I'd used to engrave my darkest desires into every cell of Manny's body, I crouched down and grabbed a handful of that once luscious hair of his.
I lifted his head and as I did the chains resting heavily on his back slightly rattled. Blood still gushed from his slit throat and a few splatters even landed on me.
In truth, it annoyed me that even covered in blood, he was still handsome. Absently, I wondered if I should mount his head on my mantel, a sort of morbid but beautiful trophy... a reminder of our brief but decadent night together.
Yeah right. I huffed and let him go. His skull hit the ground and the sound of the bone-cracking against the stony surface sounded just as beautiful to my ears as his tortured screams.
"What's the matter, Manny? Didn't you want to play?"
I could still hear the wicked amusement in my voice as I taunted him. Those red eyes had burned with hate and fury as he tried to break free of the chains mean to hold me.
With my bone blade in my hand, I'd approached him. He snarled at me, still struggling to break free.
"Let me show you what true enjoyment is." Ominous anticipation consumed me and I almost giggled.
It had truly been a long, much too long, a time since I last felt so alive. Cursed power coursed through my veins, reminding me of who I was... or rather, what I truly was. whatever the hell that was, and no amount of "retirement" could ever change that.
"You know," my taunts continue as I stepped into Manny's enraged face. His features begging to change and reveal the skeletal face of the monster that lived inside of him, "it really is such a shame that it had to come to this." I said as I ran the tip of the sharp bone along his cheek, hard enough to slice his face open.
He hissed in pain.
The scent of fresh blood filled the air and instantly I licked my lips. "We could've had a little more fun had you not been so greedy." I brought the blood-covered bone tip to the other side of his face. "I was trying to behave, I really was. I retired for a reason, you see." Another slice across the face followed by another pained hiss from Manny.
I stepped back and I could feel the wide smile that had spread across my face as I admired my handy work. My bone blade wasn't as sharp as I would have liked so the slits that opened Manny's jaw were jagged and messy. Actually, he reminded me of a much less interesting version of the Joker from the Batman comics.
Instantly, Heath Ledger's iconic voice echoed in my head saying, "why so serious?" in that dark, raspy and insane voice that only he could do.
"Let's begin." Palming my makeshift blade, I once again closed the distance between us.
Again, my gaze locked on those burning red eyes and they were no longer filled with rage and hate. No, now they were filled with the horror and fear that accompanied the knowledge that you were staring in the face of death and there was no escape.
"You only have yourself to blame." Those would be the last words Manny would hear, ever.
"You get," I mumbled under my breath as I began to head towards the cell's door, "what you ask for." Just as my hand went out to grab the rusted handle of the iron door the sound of rattling chains echoed from behind me.
For a moment, I thought Manny had somehow survived my cutlery skills. But there was no way that was possible. Which meant someone else was in the cell with me.
Glancing over my shoulder I saw the goblin child step out of the dark corner she'd been hiding in. Amid my hazy bloodlust, I'd completely forgotten about the child.
Wide eyes stared at me in what I could only assume was shock. Her tiny body shook in her ruined nightgown and a tiny twinge of regret coursed through me. I couldn't imagine the monster I must have looked like in her eyes.
Turning from her to hide my dissatisfaction with myself, I said to her, my tone harsher than I meant for it to be, "do you plan on staying here?"
Her eyes dropped to the dirty little feet sticking out from the bottom of her nightgown.
"Well," I prompted, impatience lacing my tone.
I saw her flinch and felt like even more of a jerk.
Her response was a shaken and almost inaudible, "no," she looked back up at and held up her arms.
She was so tiny and her nightgown so large that the sleeves fell effortless down and exposed frail arms with painfully tight looking shackles around her wrist.
In a stronger yet still somber voice, she said, "but I can't leave on my own."
By the time she'd finished her sentence, I had already crossed over to her. Gently reaching for one of her arms, I examined her. Calling her frail was a modest way of putting it. She'd practically wasted away.
Briefly, my gaze flickered to her face. Sunken and hollow, it felt like a phantom was speaking to me.
Monster. I thought.
Kill them all. My bloodlust began to speak to me. It churned with hunger in the pit of my stomach. Nowhere near sated from Manny's death.
We will. I told myself as I worked to unlock the little girl's shackles.
One click, two clicks, and the iron monstrosities fell to the ground. As if a weight had been lifted off her, the small girl's body shuttered, and her legs folded under her.
I caught her.
Lifting her into my arms, dingy hair, smelling of blood and decay falling over my arms, I wasn't surprised by how light she was. Disgusted and enraged but not surprised.
She was, after all, an imprisoned goblin child in a den of ghouls. I'd been stunned if she'd been healthy.
Kill them, kill them all. My bloodlust continued to whisper to me. Once more that accursed power that lived inside of me began to stir and I could feel myself starting to salivate at the prospect of the massacre that lay ahead.
My light load in my arms, I headed out of the cell.
Soon. I thought and then said to Manny's cooling corpse as I stepped into the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon, "your King will be joining you soon."
Oh, looks like things are getting more and more dangerous by the second. Make sure to tune in tomorrow for Part 9.
I hope you all had an amazing Labor Day and enjoyed your weekend.
As you can see from the title of the post, I have some new regarding Risky Roxxy.
Are you ready to hear it?
Well, here it goes...
This week will make the final week of the Roxxy's adventures with her Ghoul 😮 But not to worry, this week's Risky Roxxy is not the final episode for the Ghoul. The season finale of the Ghoul will be Saturday. So make sure to tune in every day up until Saturday. Yup, you read that right, back to back episodes of Risky Roxxy for everyone.
My plans for Risky Roxxy is pretty much to have each season to last for one month and therefore wrapping up Risky Roxxy as a whole in December and then I hope to have something special coming after that, but I won't spill the beans on that just yet. So that means I will be starting next week with the Goblin.
Exciting stuff, right? LOL.
So, please enjoy Part 8 of the Ghoul...

I was drowning.
No, I take that back. As I stood over Manny's prone body, blood seeping from his open wounds, I wasn't drowning. I was being devoured. Blissfully consumed by the insatiable bloodlust that I tried so hard to control.
And, I'd almost done it. I'd come so close to pushing the hunger back down into the pit of my soul... but then, Manny, in true ghoul fashion had pushed me over that thin line in his efforts to outwit me.
Stupid Creature.
For thinking, he could outmaneuver me. He wasn't faster than me, and he damn sure wasn't smarter... well, not now anyway. My lusty ambitions and my stupidity as I chased them were the reason I ended up in this situation to begin with.
Looking down at the pathetic creature at my feet I should have felt a sliver of remorse, or maybe a twinge of mortification at the way I had viciously and gleefully ripped into his flesh...
I didn't.
And why should I?
Had he simply kept the thing between us as an enjoyable one night stand then we wouldn't have ended up in this mess.
Dropping the bloodied piece of bone that I'd used to engrave my darkest desires into every cell of Manny's body, I crouched down and grabbed a handful of that once luscious hair of his.
I lifted his head and as I did the chains resting heavily on his back slightly rattled. Blood still gushed from his slit throat and a few splatters even landed on me.
In truth, it annoyed me that even covered in blood, he was still handsome. Absently, I wondered if I should mount his head on my mantel, a sort of morbid but beautiful trophy... a reminder of our brief but decadent night together.
Yeah right. I huffed and let him go. His skull hit the ground and the sound of the bone-cracking against the stony surface sounded just as beautiful to my ears as his tortured screams.
"What's the matter, Manny? Didn't you want to play?"
I could still hear the wicked amusement in my voice as I taunted him. Those red eyes had burned with hate and fury as he tried to break free of the chains mean to hold me.
With my bone blade in my hand, I'd approached him. He snarled at me, still struggling to break free.
"Let me show you what true enjoyment is." Ominous anticipation consumed me and I almost giggled.
It had truly been a long, much too long, a time since I last felt so alive. Cursed power coursed through my veins, reminding me of who I was... or rather, what I truly was. whatever the hell that was, and no amount of "retirement" could ever change that.
"You know," my taunts continue as I stepped into Manny's enraged face. His features begging to change and reveal the skeletal face of the monster that lived inside of him, "it really is such a shame that it had to come to this." I said as I ran the tip of the sharp bone along his cheek, hard enough to slice his face open.
He hissed in pain.
The scent of fresh blood filled the air and instantly I licked my lips. "We could've had a little more fun had you not been so greedy." I brought the blood-covered bone tip to the other side of his face. "I was trying to behave, I really was. I retired for a reason, you see." Another slice across the face followed by another pained hiss from Manny.
I stepped back and I could feel the wide smile that had spread across my face as I admired my handy work. My bone blade wasn't as sharp as I would have liked so the slits that opened Manny's jaw were jagged and messy. Actually, he reminded me of a much less interesting version of the Joker from the Batman comics.
Instantly, Heath Ledger's iconic voice echoed in my head saying, "why so serious?" in that dark, raspy and insane voice that only he could do.
"Let's begin." Palming my makeshift blade, I once again closed the distance between us.
Again, my gaze locked on those burning red eyes and they were no longer filled with rage and hate. No, now they were filled with the horror and fear that accompanied the knowledge that you were staring in the face of death and there was no escape.
"You only have yourself to blame." Those would be the last words Manny would hear, ever.
"You get," I mumbled under my breath as I began to head towards the cell's door, "what you ask for." Just as my hand went out to grab the rusted handle of the iron door the sound of rattling chains echoed from behind me.
For a moment, I thought Manny had somehow survived my cutlery skills. But there was no way that was possible. Which meant someone else was in the cell with me.
Glancing over my shoulder I saw the goblin child step out of the dark corner she'd been hiding in. Amid my hazy bloodlust, I'd completely forgotten about the child.
Wide eyes stared at me in what I could only assume was shock. Her tiny body shook in her ruined nightgown and a tiny twinge of regret coursed through me. I couldn't imagine the monster I must have looked like in her eyes.
Turning from her to hide my dissatisfaction with myself, I said to her, my tone harsher than I meant for it to be, "do you plan on staying here?"
Her eyes dropped to the dirty little feet sticking out from the bottom of her nightgown.
"Well," I prompted, impatience lacing my tone.
I saw her flinch and felt like even more of a jerk.
Her response was a shaken and almost inaudible, "no," she looked back up at and held up her arms.
She was so tiny and her nightgown so large that the sleeves fell effortless down and exposed frail arms with painfully tight looking shackles around her wrist.
In a stronger yet still somber voice, she said, "but I can't leave on my own."
By the time she'd finished her sentence, I had already crossed over to her. Gently reaching for one of her arms, I examined her. Calling her frail was a modest way of putting it. She'd practically wasted away.
Briefly, my gaze flickered to her face. Sunken and hollow, it felt like a phantom was speaking to me.
Monster. I thought.
Kill them all. My bloodlust began to speak to me. It churned with hunger in the pit of my stomach. Nowhere near sated from Manny's death.
We will. I told myself as I worked to unlock the little girl's shackles.
One click, two clicks, and the iron monstrosities fell to the ground. As if a weight had been lifted off her, the small girl's body shuttered, and her legs folded under her.
I caught her.
Lifting her into my arms, dingy hair, smelling of blood and decay falling over my arms, I wasn't surprised by how light she was. Disgusted and enraged but not surprised.
She was, after all, an imprisoned goblin child in a den of ghouls. I'd been stunned if she'd been healthy.
Kill them, kill them all. My bloodlust continued to whisper to me. Once more that accursed power that lived inside of me began to stir and I could feel myself starting to salivate at the prospect of the massacre that lay ahead.
My light load in my arms, I headed out of the cell.
Soon. I thought and then said to Manny's cooling corpse as I stepped into the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon, "your King will be joining you soon."
Oh, looks like things are getting more and more dangerous by the second. Make sure to tune in tomorrow for Part 9.
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