Risky Roxxy's Adventures in Dating: The Ghoul Finale (part 1)

Hey everyone,

Hope you all have enjoyed your weekend.

I know, I know, I planned on posting the last part of the Ghoul in two parts, however, life managed to get in the way and I wasn't able to update the way I wanted this weekend.

But, not to worry. I am back this lovely Sunday evening to give you the 1st part to the Ghoul finale.
So, with that being said let's hop into The Ghoul: Finale part 1...

The Ghoul Finale Part 1

Fuck!!! and a slew of other hard curses filled my head as I hit the ground.

Pain radiated through me and my vision blackened for several seconds before it returned with slow clarity. Pushing myself upright, I groaned as I shook my head, trying to throw off the rest of my pain and disorientation.

Fucking monsters.

Rage boiled inside of and the dark power inside of me that had taken devilish joy in Manny's earlier torment and demise raised its ugly head. The feeling consumed me until my pain vanished and was replaced with a burning bloodlust that turned my blood into fire in my veins.

The creature's attack had been swift, catching off guard the moment I stepped into the call.

It wouldn't happen again. I'd kill the creature before then.

Clenching my fist as my body got used to the flow of energy circling through me, I turned my attention toward the opposite side of the cell, where the creature was crouched in the corner.
"No!" I heard my goblin cry. "Leave me alone."

I could see the dirtied bottom of her feet sticking out from between the monster's thick legs as it crouched over her. Too focused on its next meal it didn't notice that is had made the crucial mistake of turning from predator to prey. Oblivious to the fact that it was about to be devoured by a much scarier and stronger predator.

Licking my lips, the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth, I shouted, "Hey!"

The creature's head wiped toward me. Frenzied eyes focused on me while its long and grotesque tongue hung out its overextended jaw.

Disgusting. I thought as I counted several rows of jagged teeth. Dark spots covered them in various places, and it was obvious it was the remains of its last meal.

Stale flesh and cartilage... it was a stomach-turning sight that didn't smell any better. I'd much rather the decaying smell of the dungeon hall than the foul, rotten breath coming from the creature across the room.

With my face still stinging from the hard backhand the monster had given me, I stepped forward. Chaotic power, intense and decadent euphoria filled every cell of my body. Demanding it be used... that I feed it the blood it craved until its dark hunger was satisfied.

Don't worry. I said to myself. I will feed you until your heart's content.

As I approached the swamp thing looking creature it completely forgot the little girl at its feet and turned on me fully. Each step I took closer to the creature the more I could feel my power's full... Madness beginning to echo inside my head as I focused power to my right arm.

"Your opponent is here," I growled. My voice no longer my own, it oozed with the menacing lure of the curse inside of me. At my side, I felt my arm begin to tingle. It only lasted for a second before I felt my skin tearing apart, my bones breaking and then reforming as my hand morphed into a large and, wicked-looking, claw.

"Mom...my." The child-like voice I'd heard in the hall echoed from the creature.

For a moment I paused in confusion. The hesitation cost me as the creature used it to rush me, it black nail swiping at me. Thankfully, I came back to myself. I dodged the attack just in time to narrowly avoid having my guts ripped open.

"Mommy!" The creature bellowed as it turned on me once again. "Feed me."

For the second time, it rushed me. With a war cry of my own, I rushed forward holding my clawed hand in front of me like a shield. Blood pumped in my vein like it hadn't in ages. Exhilaration delirium, and hunger mixed inside of me. A smile befitting a mad man spread across my face as I slid under one of the creature's swiping claws and between its legs.

What was left of my pants was shredded against the ground, tearing into my skin but, I didn't care. I didn't feel a thing as my claw met the monster's underbelly, slicing open flesh. Warm blood sprayed my face and all I knew was the giddy joy that filled my body. It was the same weightlifting feeling that consumed when I sliced open Manny's face. That intoxicated satisfaction that you'd bested your enemy and their lives were now forfeit.

Getting to my feet, I turned on the creature to see it lumbering towards me. Blood oozed from the deep cuts and Isaw little bits of its internal organs. Flexing my claw I prepared for my next attack.

Maybe I should take an arm?

What about a leg?

Better yet... I'll take its head.

Those crazed thoughts continued to flood my mind and move my body.

I took a step forward and then hastily halted as a stream of fire went sailing past my face. Its heat so intense it singed my eyelashes.

An agonized howl filled the air and I watched as the creature was engulfed in the flames. For several seconds the fire blazed past me until it suddenly cut off. Wiping my head around to the young goblin, I saw her sway, a weak smile on her face. I was moving before I knew it. Dashing towards her, I caught her before she could hit the ground.

"Did I," she said softly as I cradled her, "get it."

In a low but stern voice, I told her, "yes."

"Good." She said and then she went limp, passed out from the overuse of her power.

Behind me, the creature's screams gradually faded with the sound of dying flames. The scent of burning flesh mixed with the scent of the moldy cell and I made quick work of gathering my little goblin and heading out the cell.

Just before I walked out the cell, I glanced over my shoulder and caught the last of the flames dissolve as what remained of the monster crumbled to ash. For a brief moment, I felt pity for the creature. It had been able to talk past its insanity which meant at some point it had been capable of rational thought. Who knew how long it had been imprisoned by the ghouls, a tool for their sick amusement before it finally lost what was left of its' mind.

I will avenge both of you. I thought as I turned away from the smoldering pile of ash and made my way towards the stairs.

As I made my way up the stairs I would've sworn I heard a sad, "thank you" echo from the dungeons beneath me.

You're welcome...



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