Life update and the Vampire part 2

Happy Saturday everyone, I hope you are all doing well in these troubling times. I'm sure all of you know about the virus that is spreading and shutting down countries. Since I live in NYC, and we have the largest infected population, the governor has shut the city down. Expect to essential and emergency stores, everyone else is to remain at home (sounds fun doesn't it. And, I hope you can hear my increasingly growing sarcasm in my tone). However, I'm trying my best not to go into a depression and all that fun stuff. So let's move on to what we are really here for, (drum roll, please).

That's right!! Since I'm stuck in the house, I am back with not one, not two, but several episodes of Risky Roxxy between tonight and tomorrow. So let's jump into it and see what trouble Roxxy has gotten into now.

The Vampire part 2

He came to me?

I didn't like the sound of that or what his words implied. There was absolutely no reason for Elijah to be standing in my living room. And he damn sure didn't have any business stretch those long fingers of his to touch the side of my face.  Yet, I couldn't bring myself to move. As the tips of his cold fingers brushed against my cheek, sending chills down my spine, the voices in my head screamed for me to run. To turn tail out my apartment and never look back.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I heard the monster inside of me growl, its awakened presence sending subtle yearnings for revenge that were instantly drowned out by instincts screams for survival. The tender flesh on the side of my neck stung. All to clearly I could still feel the piercing pain of Elijah's large fangs as they buried themselves deep in my vein. At that moment I felt my world shift and with each pull of my vein heat surged through me. Desire flooded me and mixed with the fear inside of me. I felt my limbs go numb and the tight hold of his embrace as he drained me.

Until this day, I still had no idea how long he'd fed from me, nor could I remember how long I fed on him when I came to. All I'd known from the first moment I regained my consciousness was the desperate hunger in the pit of my stomach and the burn between my legs. Starvation ravaged me and food wasn't what I craved. What I wanted, in that moment of my new beginning, what my body craved was the vitality of his blood and body. And I found it easily enough. All I had to do was reach out and there he was, those long arms of his wrapping around me as his cold lips brushed against mine...

"I see you just took a little walk down memory lane." He spoke. His rich accented voices pulling me back to reality before I wandered too far into forbidden territory. "You know," he smirked and the tips of his fangs poked from under his full lips. An unwanted shiver went down my spine. "We can always relive that moment."

At some point, his arms had snaked around my waist and I was pulled against him. Even under the high clothing, he wore. I still felt the hard and clod steel of the muscled torso underneath his layers. Again, old memories tickled the back of my mind. I brought my hands up and weakly pushed at him.

What are you doing Roxanne? The sane and rational part of myself echoed in my head. Break free and get him the hell out of your apartment.

Right... That's what I should have been doing. I should have been embracing my earlier rage, using it to fuel the creature inside me, not growing in the warped memories my brain was trying to feed me. Because I knew this was all an illusion. The aftermath of my awakening had not been the alluring and decadent moment my mind was trying to make it out to be. The day I'd been turned into a monster had been violent and bloody, pure chaos and the perfect symbolism for our relationship.

"I hate you," I muttered at first and then louder, conviction filled my every word as I stared into the abyss that was his soul. "I hate you and I will drive a stake through your heart the moment I get the chance. Now," My fury renewed I shoved him, and he was forced to let me. "Get the fuck out of my house."

Power and dark hunger coursed through me as I faced off against the vampire that turned me into the mutated thing I was. His gaze raked over me with an unimpressed expression on his face and then he let out a sigh and said, "Roxanne, you know I don't like repeating myself."

My temper flared and I felt the darkness inside of me creeping closer to the surface. But, before I could give in to its seductive lure, Elijah was in front of me with a firm hold around my neck.

"You're coming with me." He said.

Inside my chest, my lungs shriveled up. Gasping, I clawed at his hand. All my effort was for nothing. I only succeeded in tiring myself out faster.

"Our reunion," Elijah was talking to me. Through the thick haze settling over me I could barely make out what he was saying. "It will be much better if held in the place where it all began."

"N...o,"  was the last word I gasped before I succumbed to the darkness.

I couldn't go back there, I'd die if I did. Yet, there was nothing I could do. I was falling through the darkness with no hope of escape.



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