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I'M BACK!!!!

 Hey, hey, hey everyone! It's been almost a year since my last post.  The last year for my has been crazy, to say the least. With my grandmother getting sicker and other personal matters building up I had to take a break on updating and writing in general. Things became even harder around mid-August when my grandmother passed. Not only was I dealing with (and still am) grief I've never felt before, but I barely had time to process everything before I was house hunting and starting a new job. And then once I move what happens? I break my ankle, smh. No worries though! I'm back and getting myself together. I haven't been completely MIA from the writing scene. I have a story that is part of a Grimm Fairytale retelling. Crimson Noir is my story and it's a retelling of, The  Old Woman in the Woods. Of course, I could have picked the familiar stories to retell but  I decided against it. For one, I already have a Beauty and the Beast retelling and am working on several mor

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Happy New Year's Eve and Happy New Year!!